Today we’re going to take a look at Forex MegaDroid, a very popular Expert Advisor (EA) that is a fully automated trading bot.
The MegaDroid developers claim that this EA was developed as an Artificial Intelligence (AI) EA and although I’m not a big fan of fancy footwork and the hyped terms that these guys use I do think that it’s a somewhat relevant term used to explain the EA because of the highly accurate “prediction” of the short-term future movements of the market. They claim that MegaDroid has a success rate of more than 95%, come on, there’s no way! Or is there? So I decided to try it out after a lot of research and talking to some well respected traders.
MegaDroid, in its’ default setup and configuration, is a very slow trader and only makes a couple of trades a week, sometimes even skipping a week or two. It will not trade if market conditions are not matching what seems to be a very extensive and strict set of pre-defined rules, but because it’s so extremely accurate, you can set your risk settings and lot sizes quite a bit higher than most other EAs. There are also strategies that you can use to get it to make many more trades a week, and I will tell you how I did this in a short while.
MegaDroid really impressed me and I’m convinced that the developers really knew what they were doing when designing this system. What I especially like about this EA is that it trades in the similar timeframe as FapTurbo (the Asian session), it stays accurate and you don’t have to change your strategy/settings when market conditions change (which you need to do with most other EAs). It will simply not trade when these conditions are not right. MegaDroid is also configured to, by default, not trade on Fridays, Sundays, public holidays or at the end of each month, because those days are associated with higher risk. To me that's fine tough because the elimination of potential losses on htese days far outweighs the potential for getting a few winning trades and in the long run you'll see a huge positive difference in your account because of this safety feature.
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I have a $500 demo account with Alpari (UK) and I’m applying the same idea as with FapTurbo: Expert Advice. This time it’s in the form of a guide from Benjamin R. Cook called Advanced Droid Tactics (ADT). Applying his strategies (I use 4 x EURUSD 1HR (GMT +0, +2, +6, +8 on Alpari) I was so far able to get an incredible amount of trades compared to the standard 1-chart set-up, while at the same time reducing risk. My standard MegaDroid setup (1 chart, aggressive=true) that went live 18 Aug 2009 has only made 3 trades so far (I don't know if this is normal though...). MegaDroid with ADT has made 26 trades since 24 Aug, only 2 losses so far(which, by the way, was my fault as I'll explain below)!
You can see my live stats on my Blog sidebar. Just to explain my 2 losses: The -25.28 trade on 11 Sept: What happened here was that I crashed my VPS while a trade was open. I did some windows updates, which the support team clearly says you shouldn't do on their support page, but I was stupid enough to go do it and it took them some hours to restore my VPS to the state it was in before. When I logged back in, the trade had hit the Stop Loss and I felt like a real idiot because that trade now stands out like a sore eye on my stats! You can also discard the first transaction because I opened that one manually to initialise the ADT Profile Reset Tool to see if it works.
The ADT reset tool is an extra indicator you get, when joining the ADT website, that will reset your charts to make sure all trades are managed correctly across the 4 charts that you trade on (all being EUR/USD). You will definitely need this if you trade using the ADT system. I don't actually know what exactly the reset tool resets, but I know it works. I tried exactly the same set-up on another MT4 installation, without the reset tool and there were very few trades... I'll try to find out what it does and update this article.
Coming back to ADT though, I've had a 100% winning rate with the Hybrid strategy so far! Amazing...
The ADT reset tool is an extra indicator you get, when joining the ADT website, that will reset your charts to make sure all trades are managed correctly across the 4 charts that you trade on (all being EUR/USD). You will definitely need this if you trade using the ADT system. I don't actually know what exactly the reset tool resets, but I know it works. I tried exactly the same set-up on another MT4 installation, without the reset tool and there were very few trades... I'll try to find out what it does and update this article.
Coming back to ADT though, I've had a 100% winning rate with the Hybrid strategy so far! Amazing...
While MegaDroid itself comes highly recommended, I think ADT is a must have add-on if you’re serious about increasing your trading frequency, while decreasing overall risk. The ADT strategies will turn MegaDroid into a trading monster and it will more than pay for itself as well as MegaDroid in less than two months even if you start with an initial deposit of $500 on your broker account, so just go for it! I think they'll only sell a limited amount of copies of the ADT strategy, so make sure you get in while there’s room for new customers. The price is $39.95, which for me is a huge bargain considering the incredible benefits that come with this system. You will also have unlimited support and receive free updates when they are released. Once I’ve come-up with my own version of this system, I’ll be sharing my strategies & settings with you for free. But for now I recommend just buying it. It really is worth it!
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As I said before I strongly believe that MegaDroid was developed by real Forex gurus just because of the extremely high accuracy rate. It takes a lot of skill to develop an EA of this calibre and it trades as if it's making informed decisions and predicts the immediate future of the market with uncanny accuracy. It’s a very strong contender to FapTurbo and these two EAs are my top recommendations so far.
MegaDroid is a patient trader and grows your account steadily over time. I'm using very conservative settings but this EA is so good you can really bump-up your risk settings higher than what I'm using. Remember though that the best EAs are systems that make smaller, less-frequent trades that grow your account consistently over time. It makes them predictable and manageable and you can anticipate what your account size will be a year or two from now. That makes it a long term investment rather than a get rich quick gamble (the house always wins!).
Now I'll be honest with you: I didn’t even consider purchasing MegaDroid when it was released. I saw many ads and thought it was just another phony EA with a fancy name, but after seeing for myself how this system performs there’s no going back for me. I've now decided to go live with MegaDroid and will keep you posted once my two live accounts are running (The first one with FapTurbo and the second one with MegaDroid)
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